Welcome to the Express Series by Moses Appliances
Introducing the Express 4 Sleep and the Moses Express, the best chairside solutions for sleep apnea and snoring
Moses Appliances is now carrying a dual line of appliance solutions that your patients will appreciate. The beauty of the process lies in the practicality – using these Moses Appliances gives your patient the opportunity to make an informed, practical choice in their care and makes delivery and results easy on dentists.
Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea have never met a match like the Express Series
The Express 4 Sleep is an FDA-approved temporary device. This can be used in a trial period of 30 days, during which your patience does not require any retainers or major investments into expensive treatments. It is our way of testing (and proving) that the Moses Express is the right solution for their sleep apnea troubles.
The Moses Express is also an FDA-approved appliance, but it is intended for permanent use. The Moses Express is intended to be used in conjunction with upper and lower full arch vacuum-formed retainers.
Both devices are intended for use on adult patients who are 18 years of age or older, and may only be used as a prescription (Rx) from their dentist.
The Express Series is not only great for patients, but it’s cost-effective and convenient for dentists. Made of flexible material with the comfort and feel of a mouth guard, the inner layer softens in hot water and takes the shape of the posterior teeth for a secure, snug comfortable fit.
These are customizable devices that can be made chairside in ten minutes
It has never been simpler:
Use the Bite Guide Stick on the Bite Guide Wheel to determine which physiological position will be the best solution for your patient.
Heat the appliance in near-simmering water.
With the heated appliance inside the mouth, assist the patient in biting down onto your pre-determined Bite Stick.
If this is not perfect or comfortable the first time, reheat and refit. This can be done as many times as needed to give your patient the most comfortable fit.
Best news is the Moses Express and the Express 4 Sleep are very affordable to sleep apnea patients and snorers.
Watch Dr. Moses making a Moses Express
Very little or no trimming or polishing and few, if any, adjustments for sore spots.
Eliminate costly laboratory fees by making fitting easy-to-do in house.
Materials are durable and comfortable.
The Moses Express and the Moses Express 4 Sleep also:
By supporting the lower jaw in a slightly protrusive jaw position, the device passively advances the tongue to achieve maximum comfort for the patient.
The design allows the lips to remain comfortably closed, which facilitates natural nasal breathing.
The open anterior design allows forward tongue advancement.
The device increases the volume of space in the mouth for the tongue, decreasing the likelihood of it collapsing on the airway during sleep.